Erdenebileg Sandagdorj “ Some matters to improve Accounting and Reporting structure of Foreign Aid and Loan in Mongolia”
"Монгол Улсын Гадаадын зээл, тусламжийн нягтлан бодох бүртгэл тайлагналын тогтолцоог сайжруулах асуудал"
Published text books:
1.Erdenebileg.S, Features of Financial Engineering, Progress, UB, 2015, 80p;
2.Erdenebileg.S, Natural Recourses Appraisal, New Mind, UB, 2013, 160p; ISBN 978-99929-900-6-2;
3. "Economic diversification how can it affect Human development" Economic research scientific paper, ‘SHARPE team, “Mongolian – 2020”, May.2012
3.Erdenebileg.S, Financial Market – I, II, New Mind, UB, 2010, 350p; ISBN 978-99929-818-8-1;
4.Erdenebileg.S, “Diagnoses of Governmental Equity under Accounting”, New Mind Co., UB, 2008, 190p; ISBN 978-99929-932-0-0;
5. Erdenebileg.S, “Financial reporting- in Market of Mongolia”, Chapter 7- Improvement of structure of Accounting, NUM-Business School, for Anniversary 60 , UB, 2007; 6.Erdenebileg.S, “Governmental Accounting and Reporting”, single topic, (Montsame, UB, 2004, 238p), ISBN 978-9929-826-5-8;
7.Erdenebileg.S, “History of Double Entry of the Global Accounting”, (New Mind, UB, Co., 2003, 200p), ISBN 978-9929-818-7-9;
Research and debates:
International conference* – papers:
1.Erdenebileg.S, “Methodologies to implement Stock Option Evaluation and Accounts”, “Challenge and Development Trend of Accounting”, International Conference on Accounting, UB, May.22.2015;
2.Erdenebileg.S, Some matters to improve Accounting and Reporting structure of Foreign Aid and Loan, Thesis for PhD, 2008; Process and results of the thesis has been debated 6 times by the seminar of theory and profit of research from University and College of Finance and MONICPA, (2000, and 2003) and 5 times (including preliminary examination to do PhD) by extended seminar of doctorate of Economic School of NUM (2001, 2004, 2006, and 2007).
3.Erdenebileg.S, “Audit and reform of Governmental Accounting, (International seminar, Board Audit Japan, March, 2004, Tokyo);
4.Erdenebileg S, “Historical development of Governmental Accounting of Mongolia*” IAAER, World XIX Conference, Hong Kong, 2002; * “Conception and principles of the financial report preparation”, scientific research serial “Conversion principles of the Financial Information” national standard document, “Fund registration on Information reform”, “Accounting Policy of Governance Equity is challenge matter for development strategy of Mongolia“, “Finance news” published 6 scientific articles in newspaper. Scientific reports: “New Millennium study, actual problems of analysis” - IAAER, MONICPA, Ministry of Finance and Economics, scientific – theoretical practical conferences of Universities and Institutes: “IPSAS matters provided to the budget organizations”, “Specific features of the Government accounting”.
Other Medias in Mongolian: Монголын МНБИ, СЭЗЯ, Их дээд сургуулиудийн эрдэм шинжилгээ-онол практикийн бага хуралд:
1.“Хэт инфляцийн ханшны уналтын үе дэх НББ-ийн зарим асуудал”, “Санхүүгийн мэдээ”, 2001, №33/69/, 2.“Төсөвт байгууллагад УСНББОУС-ыг нэвтрүүлэх асуудал”, “Санхүүгийн мэдээ”, 2002, №15/87/,
3.“Засгийн газрын нягтлан бодох бүртгэлийн зарим асуудал”, “Санхүүгийн мэдээ”, 2004, №01/145/,
4.“Гадны зээл, тусламжийн хөрөнгийн макро эдийн засгийн орчны шинжилгээ”, МУИС-ЭЗС, НББ, 2005,
5.“Засгийн газрын нягтлан бодох бүртгэлийн онцлог шинжүүд”, МУИС-ЭЗС, НББ тэнхим, 2005,
6.“Өрийн үйлчилгээний сангийн шинэчлэл”, МУИС-ЭЗС, НББ тэнхим, 2006, 7.“Гадаадын зээл, тусламжийн нягтлан бодох бүртгэл, хяналтын тогтолцоог сайжруулах асуудал”, МУИС-ЭЗС, их семинар, 2006, урьдчилсан хамгаалалт, 2007, 6 сар,