Програмчлалын хэл: Засвар хоорондын ялгаа

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б робот Өөрчилж байна: br:Yezh programmiñ
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Мөр 1:
{{Програмчлалын хэлний жагсаалт}}
Тооцоолох Электрон Машин (цаашид машин гэж явна) буюу [[компьютер]] дээр хийгддэг [[тооцон бодох]] үйлдлийг илэрхийлэх чадвар бүхий, машин уншихад (ойлгох) зориулсан [[зохиомол хэл]]ийг '''Програмчлалын хэл''' гэнэ. Програмчлалын хэлийг ашиглан [[машин]]ы үйлдлийг хийх, [[алгоритм]]ыг нарийвчлан гаргах, хүний харилцааны нэг хэлбэрийг тодорхойлох [[програм]] зохиож болно.
Line 7 ⟶ 5:
Анхны програмчлалын хэлийг компьютер бий болохоос өмнө автоматжуулсан нэхмэлийн машин, төгөлдөр хуур тоглуулагч зэрэг төхөөрөмжийг удирдахад зориулан зохион ашигладаг байжээ. Үүнээс хойш хэдэн мянган өөрийн гэсэн онцлогтой програмчлалын хэлнүүд компьютерын салбарт <ref>[[2006|As of May 2006]] [http://hopl.murdoch.edu.au/ The Encyclopedia of Computer Languages] by [[Murdoch University]], Australia lists 8512 computer languages.</ref> зохиогдсон бөгөөд одоо жил бүр нэмж зохиогдсоор л байна.
Тооцоолол хийдэггүй хэлнүүд болох [[markup language]]-ийн [[HTML]] болон [[formal grammar]]-ийн [[Backus–Naur form|BNF]]-ийг програмчлалын хэл биш гэж ерөнхийдөө үздэг. Зарим үед програмчлалын хэлийг (which may or may not be Turing complete) эдгээр тооцоолол хийдэггүй хэлний (суурь) дотор буюу хамтатган бичих боломжтой байдаг.
== Тодорхойлолт ==
Орчуулагдаж байна.
Traits often considered important for constituting a programming language:
* ''Function:'' A programming language is a language used to write [[computer program]]s, which involve a [[computer]] performing some kind of [[computation]]<ref>{{cite web|author=[[Association for Computing Machinery|ACM]] SIGPLAN|title=Bylaws of the Special Interest Group on Programming Languages of the Association for Computing Machinery|url=http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/sigplan_bylaws.htm|accessdate=2006-06-19|year=2003}}, ''The scope of SIGPLAN is the theory, design, implementation, description, and application of computer programming languages - languages that permit the specification of a variety of different computations, thereby providing the user with significant control (immediate or delayed) over the computer's operation.''</ref> or [[algorithm]] and possibly control external devices such as [[Computer printer|printers]], robots,<ref name="robots">{{cite web|url=http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/tld/courses/cs148/02/programming.html |title=Programming Robots |accessdate=2006-09-23 |last=Dean |first=Tom |date= |year=2002 |work=Building Intelligent Robots |publisher=Brown University Department of Computer Science}}</ref> and so on.
* ''Target:'' Programming languages differ from [[natural language]]s in that natural languages are only used for interaction between people, while programming languages also allow humans to communicate instructions to machines. Some programming languages are used by one device to control another. For example [[PostScript]] programs are frequently created by another program to control a [[computer printer]] or display.
* ''Constructs:'' Programming languages may contain constructs for defining and manipulating [[data structure]]s or controlling the [[control flow|flow of execution]].
* ''Expressive power:'' The [[theory of computation]] classifies languages by the computations they are capable of expressing. All [[Turing complete]] languages can implement the same set of [[algorithm]]s. [[SQL|ANSI/ISO SQL]] and [[Charity programming language|Charity]] are examples of languages that are not Turing complete, yet often called programming languages.<ref>{{cite web | author=Digital Equipment Corporation | title=Information Technology - Database Language SQL (Proposed revised text of DIS 9075) | url=http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~shadow/sql/sql1992.txt | work=ISO/IEC 9075:1992, Database Language SQL | dateformat=mdy | accessdate=June 29 2006}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|author=The Charity Development Group|title=The CHARITY Home Page | url=http://pll.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/charity1/www/home.html | month=December|year=1996|accessdate=2006-06-29}}, ''Charity is a categorical programming language...'', ''All Charity computations terminate.''</ref>
Some authors restrict the term "programming language" to those languages that can express ''all'' possible algorithms;<ref>In mathematical terms, this means the programming language is [[Turing-complete]] {{cite book | last=MacLennan | first=Bruce J. | title=Principles of Programming Languages | page=1 | publisher=Oxford University Press | year=1987 | isbn=0-19-511306-3 }}</ref> sometimes the term "computer language" is used for more limited artificial languages.
Тооцоолол хийдэггүй хэлнүүд болох [[markup language]]-ийн [[HTML]] болон [[formal grammar]]-ийн [[Backus–Naur form|BNF]]-ийг програмчлалын хэл биш гэж ерөнхийдөө үздэг. Зарим үед програмчлалын хэлийг (which may or may not be Turing complete) эдгээр тооцоолол хийдэггүй хэлний (суурь) дотор буюу хамтатган бичих боломжтой байдаг.
== ИшлэлЭшлэл ==