Еврей: Засвар хоорондын ялгаа

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Мөр 94:
[[:en:Khazar theory of Ashkenazi ancestry|энэ онол]] төдийлөн дэмжигдэхгүй болжээ. Ийм онол үүсэх болсон нь хэд хэдэн шалтгаантай: Хазар улс еврейчүүдийн шүтдэг иудейн шашинтай байсан ба хэзээ, хэрхэн иудейн шашинтай болсон нь тодорхойгүй. Хазарчууд иудейн шашинтай байсан ч энэ нь тэднийг еврейчүүд байсан эсвэл ашкенази еврейчүүд хазартай холбоотой гэсэн шууд баталгаа болохгүй. Эртний түрэгүүд монголоид төрхтэй байсан. Харин одоогийн еврейчүүдэд монголоид ген төдийлөн байхгүй.<ref>[http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/gnxp/2012/08/ashkenazi-jews-are-probably-not-descended-from-the-khazars/ Ashkenazi Jews are probably not descended from the Khazars]: "The Khazars were Turkic, and as such they would have had substantial proportions of East Asian ancestry. This is evident in the modern Chuvash, who have had a thousand years to admix with surrounding Slavic populations (and have). There are reasonable explanations for the “Caucasian” ancestry of Ashkenazi Jews which do not make recourse to the Khazar hypothesis. But a Mongoloid element is almost certainly feasible only through Turks of some sort, and the coincidence of a Judaized Turkic populations on the fringes of Europe is far too coincidental. There are some suggestive results which indicate small components of Mongoloid ancestry in Ashkenazi Jews, but the proportions are low enough that they may be some artifacts. This is one area where more investigation is warranted. For example, whole-genome analyses which look at “East Asian” segments in Ashkenazi Jews, and match them to various East Asian populations. That would almost certainly answer the Khazar question, as there are relatively undiluted Turkic populations, such as the Kirghiz, that one could use as a reference".</ref>
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