Олон Улсын Валютын Сан: Засвар хоорондын ялгаа

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[[Файл:Headquarters_of_the_International_Monetary_Fund_(Washington,_DC).jpg|250px|thumb|Вашингтон хот дахь ОУВС-н төв байр]]'''Олон Улсын Валютын Сан''' ({{lang-en|International Monetary Fund}}, товчоор ОУВС) нь [[мөнгө]] болон [[валют]]ын зах зээлийн тогтвортой байдлыг хангах зорилготой олон улсын хамтарсан мэргэжлийн байгууллага юм. Төв нь [[Америкийн Нэгдсэн Улс]]ын нийслэл болох [[Вашингтон]] хотноо байрлах ба 2007 оны 1 сарын байдлаар 185 гишүүн орон байна.
== Үүсэл ==
Валютын зах зээлийн тогтвортой байдлыг хангах гэх зэрэг зорилготойгоор 1944 оны 7 сард АНУ-ын [[Нью-Хэмпшир]] муж улсын Брэттон Вүдст нээгдсэн [[НҮБ]]-ын мөнгө санхүү, эдийн засгийн хурал дээр "'''Брэттон Вүдс хамтарсан тогтоол'''"-н үндсэн дээр дайны дараах сэргээн босголтын нэг алхам хэмээж Олон Улсын Сэргээн босголт Хөгжлийн Банктай (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) хамт оны 3 сард, 21 улсын бүрэлдэхүүнтэй үүсгэн байгуулагджээ. 1947 онд ОУВС нь үйл ажиллагаагаа эхэлсэн бөгөөд НҮБ-тай хамтран ажиллах гэрээний дагуу НҮБ-ын дорх мэргэжлийн байгууллага болсон. [[Дэлхийн Банк]]тай хамтран олон улсын мөнгөний бодлогын горим, ерөнхий дүрмийг тогтоодог. Үүсгэн байгуулахад Английн эдийн засагч [[Жон Мэйнард Кэйнс]] болон Америкийн улс төрч [[Харри Вайт]] нар онцгой үүрэг гүйцэтгэжээ. Кэйнс нь ОУВС-гийн ерөнхийлөгчийн албан тушаалыг хашиж байв.
• The International Monetary Fund
• Origin
• The IMF's activities
• Mongolian countries and the International Monetary Fund / IMF /
• Focus News
Order to ensure the stability of the foreign exchange market in 1944, 7 the US state of New Hampshire Bretton opened Woods UN finances and economic conference "Bretton Woods joint resolution" a step on the basis of the post-war reconstruction recalls many international Reconstruction and Development Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) in 1946, with 3, consisting of 21 countries founded. With the IMF and the UN began its activities in 1947 was below the contract in accordance with the United Nations to work with professional organizations. The World Bank in cooperation with the international monetary regime, the general rule set. British economist John Maynard Keynesian and the establishment of the American politician, played a special role in the Harry White. Keynesian IMF president positions.
The International Monetary Fund
Center is located in Washington, DC is the capital of the United States of America.
The International Monetary Fund (English: International Monetary Fund, IMF for short) aims to ensure the stability of the money and foreign exchange market is a joint international professional organizations. Center is located in Washington, DC is the capital of the United States of America As of January 1, 2007 and has 185 member countries.
IMF activities
IMF World Economic self-organization, but in fact, the existing monetary policy is dependent on a few large countries. For countries in the IMF as a membership fee to become a member of the money comes from. This membership fee that is equal to a percentage of gross domestic product and foreign trade. This charge of the IMF, the country's borrowing limit / SDR / as well as the funds of the credit to the fund's member countries will be produced.
Determined by vote of the membership fee and a percentage. To paraphrase, how to pay membership fees, so the country means that the ownership percentage of votes
Member countries of the International Monetary Fund quota space. Quota depends on the size of the country's financial capacity. Provides a short-term loan to the International Monetary Fund. International Monetary Fund (IMF) only lend in all Member States. The Board of the International Monetary Fund's managing funds. This includes all members of the Council. This council are held every year. Do the daily work of the International Monetary Fund's executive board. 24 Executive Director
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 7 February 1-22, 1944, between US Nöw Hampshirö Province Brutton Woods signed by 45 countries in 1945, the contract was established on August 27, 12 and 3 on July 1, 1947, financial activities was launched.
 The International Monetary Fund estimates that the total quota of 212 billion SDR / IMF money / or $ 290 billion.
Silver prices to fall, and was established in order to determine the monetary value of global trade linkages and the exchange rate is responsible for creating additional stability.
The poorest country became a member of the IMF's 185 richest 6 is the main purpose of the following items.
   - Creating the International Monetary cooperation
  - International trade expansion
  - To promote exchange rate stability, and to help the member countries to improve their monetary policy
   - The balance of payments of Member States to eliminate the currency to control the flow of money in the system and create multiple payment systems between Member States
  - Repayment of foreign loans to help member countries in trouble
  - Help to reduce the balance of payments deficit in the Member States / reduce the negative foreign trade indicators /
The measures taken to implement these goals the IMF today is receiving considerable international criticism, and often in the developed countries make the best decision for yourselves using the IMF has won more bayajitsgaaj Regardless criticism.
The amount of money the IMF / SDR /
Of $ 1 SDR = 0.6480870
MNT 1 SDR = 2129.34 / 2012.10.20 /
The structure of the IMF
Leadership Council: The IMF is the most important decision-makers. Most member countries elected a member of the finance ministers or central bank directors. And the Executive Board of Directors held a meeting once a year handed job. This board is a new enrollment quota, issue, issues such as income distribution of the cases.
Quota quota% of votes%
USA 371 493 17.46 17.08
Japan 1 33 788 6.26 6.13
Germany 130 332 6.11 5.99
107 635 5.05 4.95 France
Great Britain 107 635 5,05 4,95
Italy 70 805 3,32
Saudi Arabia 69 855 3,28 3,23
Total 46.53 46.17
Mongolian 761
Executive Board of Directors: The Board of 5 members in the United States, of France, England, Germany, Japan, and the remaining 19 are elected appointed. Appointed to represent the members of his own country, and represents the members of the group were selected. 3 Elected members and representing their country / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, China, Russia /. Handed the role of the Board and the leadership of this council is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the IMF.
Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors: IMF Executive Board is responsible for managing deployment, according to a decision. IMF managing staff and Executive Committee meetings shall be chaired. Choose the chairman of the Board of the European countries.
IMF member countries in the following responsibilities.
    Inform how they establish their monetary value against other currencies
    The IMF recommended the implementation of monetary policy and currency exchange
    The use of loans to less developed countries outside, whether complied with its obligations under the loan agreement includes reporting obligations. If a member fails to meet these obligations and the rights of other members of this borrowing limit, and even a suspended member.
Financial policies of the IMF can be categorized into 4 parts.
1. Reserve monetary policy
2. Credit monetary policy
3. Emergency support policy issues
4. Loans and debt service reduction policy
Is highly indebted countries in the 4 credit policy is very important.
IMF Opportunities
IMF 3 possibilities.
1. Stand-by: a balance of payments deficit, in order to help Member States and between 12-18 months and 3 monthly installments aid is provided. Sees the implementation of the loan contract in the past, giving a loan quotas. Payback period of 3-5 years.
2. Extensive financial support: the macroeconomic or internal problems, and the balance of payments difficulties developed member countries in order to overcome this economic program supported 3-year loan is provided. In this market the same conditions and with the Stand-By-lending. Payback period of 4-5 years
3. Other features:
a. Recovery of financial support / CCFF /: Major commodities imported into due üneees short-term balance-of-payments deficit of the financial support provided by Member States
b. Additional resource potential / SRF /: internal market and a member of the country-wide, but short-term balance-of-payments crisis, to provide financial support in order to prevent the loss of
c. Credit line / CCL /: SRF Assistance included in the balance of payments deficit in the Member States
Mongolian State and the International Monetary Fund / IMF /
          Mongolian 2 On July 14, 1991, "the IMF Agreement" (IMF Articlyes of Agryeyemyent) recognition as a member of the IMF. Over the past 10 years since the members of the IMF, the direct financial support with quality (investment in the form of direct budget financing) 4 completed successfully implemented the program, and they agreed to lend three times, and the fourth is in the middle. These are:
1. Stand-By Arrangement (Stand-by) program. 10 On July 4, 1991, in order to support the balance of payments established. SDR 13.75 million, according to the program / ​​SDR / ($ 20 million), equal to 6.5% interest rate with 1997 using the 1991-1992 loan repayment paid in full.
2. Restructuring Acceleration Program (ESAF). And in order to support the balance of payments was founded on 25 July 1993, 6. According to the program of SDR 40.8 million (59.0 million dollars), equal to 0.5% interest rate with loans promise, 1993-1996 a total amount equivalent to SDR 29.68 states million ($ 44.8 million) will be using. Loan was paid back in 2006.
3. Restructuring Acceleration Program - 2 (ESAF,PRGF). And the macro-economic stabilization and structural reform in order to strengthen established on 7 May 30, 1997. According to the program to SDR 33.4 million ($ 48.0 million), equal to 0.5% interest rate with loans promise, 1997-2000, a total of 17.44 million SDR (US $ 23.7) was used. 2 May 2003, the payment of the principal amount of loans between the 7th-28th of January 1, 2010, settlement schedule.
4. Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility Program (PRGF-PRGF). The IMF's Executive Board of Directors on the 28th of January 9, 2001 in 3 years, the Mongolian implementation of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) newly approved program. Under this program, a total amount equivalent to SDR 28.49 million (US $ 36.9 million) was granted a loan equivalent to gradual. Of which 12.21 ha million ($ 16.6 million), equivalent to use the loan.