Колоничлол: Засвар хоорондын ялгаа

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Хуудас үүсгэв: "Колоничлол Colonialism occurs when a country (nation) takes control of other lands, regions, or territories outside of its borders (boundaries of the count..."
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Мөр 1:
Colonialism occurs when a country (nation) takes control of other lands, regions, or territories outside of its borders (boundaries of the country)Колончлол нь нэг улс гүрэн өөр бусад ороныг(муж,yl улс) удирдлагандаа авч byхяналтандаа turningбайлгахыг those other lands, regions, or territories into a colonyхэлнэ.Ихэвчлэн Usually,хүчирхэг itхөрөнгөтөй isулс aорон moreжижиг powerful,ядуу richerбуурай countryулс thatорны takesудирдлагыг controlгартаа of a smaller, less powerful region or territoryавдаг. Sometimes theЗаримдаа word "imperialism"имрпализим isгэдэг alsoүг usedнь toколончлол referгэдэгтэй toхамааралтай colonialismхэрэглэгддэг.
In the 1700s and 1800s, many of the richer, more powerful European countries (such as Britain, France, Spain, and the Netherlands) established colonies in the continents of Africa, South America, and the Caribbean.