Цахилгаан цэнэг: Засвар хоорондын ялгаа

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б (яриа)-н хийсэн засваруудыгий хийсэн сүүлийн засварт буцаан шилжүүллээ.
Мөр 19:
[[Цахилгаан соронзон]]гийн тухай өгүүлэлд дурдагдсан шинж чанаруудаас гадна цэнэг нь харьцангуй [[Инвариант зарчим|инвариант]] чанартай билээ. Энэ нь аливаа ''q'' цэнэгтэй эгэл бөөм нь ямар ч хурдтай хөдөлсөн гэсэн үргэлж ''q'' цэнэгтэй байна гэсэн үг юм. Энэхүү шинж чанарыг ''нэг'' [[гели]]йн [[Атомын цөм|цөмийн]] (цөм дотороо холбогдсон хоёр [[протон]] болон хоёр [[нейтрон]] нь өндөр хурдтай хөдөлж байх үед) цэнэг нь ''хоёр'' [[дейтери]]йн цөмүүдийн (хоорондоо холбогдсон нэг протон болон нэг нейтрон нь хэрэв гелийн цөмд байсанаасаа удаан хөдөлж байгаа) цэнэгтэй ижил байдгаар туршилтаар батлагдсан.
As reported by the ancient Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus around 600 BC, charge (or electricity) could be accumulated by rubbing fur on various substances, such as amber. The Greeks noted that the charged amber buttons could attract light objects such as hair. They also noted that if they rubbed the amber for long enough, they could even get an electric spark to jump. This property derives from the triboelectric effect.
In 1600, the English scientist William Gilbert returned to the subject in De Magnete, and coined the New Latin word electricus from ηλεκτρον (elektron), the Greek word for "amber", which soon gave rise to the English words "electric" and "electricity." He was followed in 1660 by Otto von Guericke, who invented what was probably the first electrostatic generator. Other European pioneers were Robert Boyle, who in 1675 stated that electric attraction and repulsion can act across a vacuum; Stephen Gray, who in 1729 classified materials as conductors and insulators; and C. F. du Fay, who proposed in 1733[1] that electricity comes in two varieties that cancel each other, and expressed this in terms of a two-fluid theory. When glass was rubbed with silk, du Fay said that the glass was charged with vitreous electricity, and, when amber was rubbed with fur, the amber was said to be charged with resinous electricity. In 1839, Michael Faraday showed that the apparent division between static electricity, current electricity, and bioelectricity was incorrect, and all were a consequence of the behavior of a single kind of electricity appearing in opposite polarities. It is arbitrary which polarity is called positive and which is called negative. Positive charge can be defined as the charge left on a glass rod after being rubbed with silk.[2]
One of the foremost experts on electricity in the 18th century was Benjamin Franklin, who argued in favour of a one-fluid theory of electricity. Franklin imagined electricity as being a type of invisible fluid present in all matter; for example, he believed that it was the glass in a Leyden jar that held the accumulated charge. He posited that rubbing insulating surfaces together caused this fluid to change location, and that a flow of this fluid constitutes an electric current. He also posited that when matter contained too little of the fluid it was "negatively" charged, and when it had an excess it was "positively" charged. For a reason that was not recorded, he identified the term "positive" with vitreous electricity and "negative" with resinous electricity. William Watson arrived at the same explanation at about the same time.
ochuumaar bn chadah hun bn uuuu yg odooo zaluusaa
== Цэнэг хадгалагдах ==<!-- This section is linked from [[Хадгалагдах хуулиуд]] -->
Line 31 ⟶ 25:
[[Ангилал:Цахилгаан соронзон]]
[[af:Elektriese lading]]
[[ar:شحنة كهربائية]]
[[bg:Електрически заряд]]
[[bn:বৈদ্যুতিক আধান]]
[[bs:Električni naboj]]
[[ca:Càrrega elèctrica]]
[[cs:Elektrický náboj]]
[[cy:Gwefr drydanol]]
[[da:Elektrisk ladning]]
[[de:Elektrische Ladung]]
[[el:Ηλεκτρικό φορτίο]]
[[en:Electric charge]]
[[eo:Elektra ŝargo]]
[[es:Carga eléctrica]]
[[eu:Karga elektriko]]
[[fa:بار الکتریکی]]
[[fr:Charge électrique]]
[[ga:Lucht leictreach]]
[[gl:Carga eléctrica]]
[[he:מטען חשמלי]]
[[hi:विद्युत आवेश]]
[[hr:Električni naboj]]
[[hu:Elektromos töltés]]
[[ia:Carga electric]]
[[id:Muatan listrik]]
[[it:Carica elettrica]]
[[ku:Barê karevayî]]
[[la:Onus electricum]]
[[li:Elektrische laojing]]
[[lt:Elektros krūvis]]
[[lv:Elektriskais lādiņš]]
[[mhr:Тулэҥер татыл]]
[[mk:Електричен набој]]
[[ml:വൈദ്യുത ചാർജ്]]
[[mzn:الکتریکی بار]]
[[ne:विद्युत आवेश]]
[[nl:Elektrische lading]]
[[nn:Elektrisk ladning]]
[[no:Elektrisk ladning]]
[[pa:ਬਿਜਲੀ ਚਾਰਜ]]
[[pl:Ładunek elektryczny]]
[[pt:Carga elétrica]]
[[qu:Pinchikilla chaqna]]
[[ro:Sarcină electrică]]
[[ru:Электрический заряд]]
[[simple:Electric charge]]
[[sk:Elektrický náboj]]
[[sl:Električni naboj]]
[[sq:Ngarkesa elektrike]]
[[sv:Elektrisk laddning]]
[[tl:Karga ng kuryente]]
[[tr:Elektriksel yük]]
[[tt:Электр корылмасы]]
[[uk:Електричний заряд]]
[[ur:برقی بار]]
[[vi:Điện tích]]
[[wo:Yanu mbëj]]
[[yo:Agbára onítanná]]