Загвар:Babel: Засвар хоорондын ялгаа

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speaking person
Мөр 112:
The ''unnamed'' arguments specify a language each. They consist of a code for the language (usually two characters, sometimes more) and a number for the skill level, seperated by a dash (-).
Using ''en'' for English as an example:
* no dash and number: native speaker
* '''-5en''' professionalno skillsdash (writesand thisnumber: languagenative for a living)speaker
* '''en-45''' near-nativeprofessional skills (canwrites passthis language for a native speaker in everyday situationsliving)
* '''en-34''' advancednear-native skills (can writepass non-trivialfor a native speaker in everyday textsituations)
* '''en-23''' intermediateadvanced skills (can write simplenon-trivial text)
* '''en-12''' lowintermediate skills (can readwrite simple text)
* '''en-1''' low skills (can read simple text)
* '''en-0''' no skills (only use this, when the context would otherwise imply that you do speak a language)
If a template for the selected language and skill level exists, then it will appear at the respective position within the box.
Line 130 ⟶ 131:
* '''n''' for neutral text (ene khun...)
* '''m''' for male text (ene eregtei chunkhun ...)
* '''f''' for female text (ene emegtei chunkhun...)
* '''1''' for first person text (chi...)