Вектор — Олон утгатай ойлголт; хэмжээ ба чиглэлтэй хэмжигдэхүүн.

Математик ба Физикт засварлах

Цахим техникт (Компьютерийн шинжлэх ухаан) засварлах

  • Нэг хэмжээст массив
    • Вектор (C++), динамик массивийг хэрэгжүүлэгч (C++ -ийн std::vector контейнер) C++ -ийн Standard Template Library -ийн шаблон (төрөл)
  • Vector clock, an algorithm for generating a partial ordering of events in a distributed system and detecting causality violations
  • Вектор (хөнөөлт программууд), компьютерын вирус ба хөнөөлт программуудын өрөө тархах чадварын аргачлал
  • Distance-vector routing protocol, a class of routing protocols used in packet-switched networks for computer communications
  • Dope vector, a data structure used to store information about an array
  • Feature vector, in pattern recognition and machine learning, an n-dimensional vector of numerical features that represent some object
  • Initialization vector, used in cryptography
  • Interrupt vector, the location in memory of an interrupt handling routine
  • Vector game, refers to any video game that uses a vector graphics display
  • Vector monitor, a display device used for early computers
  • Vector processor, a computer processor which works on arrays of several numbers at once
  • Vector graphics, images defined by geometric primitives as opposed to bitmaps
  • Support vector machine, in machine learning, a supervised learning method used for classification and regression
  • Vector space model, an algebraic model for representing objects as vectors of identifiers
  • Vector-06C, a computer developed in the USSR

Биологид засварлах

Бизнест засварлах

  • Vector Capital, a US-based private equity investment firm founded in 1997
  • Vector Informatik, a software tool and components provider for development of embedded electronics
  • Vector Engineering, a company that specializes in the application of civil engineering, hydrogeology, geology, and geotechnical and geological engineering
  • Vector Graphic, an early manufacturer of 8-bit microcomputers
  • Vector Group, a publicly traded holding company run by Bennett S. LeBow
  • Vector Limited, a New Zealand gas and electricity supplier
  • Vector Marketing, marketing arm of Alcas Corporation
  • Vector Motors, an automobile manufacturer
    • Vector M12, a vehicle designed by Vector Motors based on the Lamborghini Diablo
    • Vector W2, a concept car created by Vector Motors
    • Vector W8, a production car produced by Vector Motors
    • Vector WX-3, a prototype automobile created by Vector Motors in 1992
    • Vector SRV8, a prototype automobile created by Vector Motors in 1999
  • Vector (company), a telecommunications company based in Poland

Урлагт засварлах

Бусад засварлах

Мөн үзэх засварлах

Энэ хуудас нь олон салаа утгатай үгсийг ялгах зориулалттай.
Энэ хуудсанд холбогдсон хуудас байвал тохирох бичлэг рүү нь холбоосыг нь солино уу.